All Things Reuben Heaton
Famous scales manufacturer weighs in with new media!
Weighing scales and tackle firm Reuben Heaton is embracing the internet and social media to raise awareness of its products.
The firm is ensuring that interested parties can get up-to-date news information about the company, its products, the latest press releases and event information as it happens from its RSS feed via this link:
The feed will keep both dealers and consumers abreast of all things Reuben Heaton and allow them to see new products as they emerge throughout 2013.
Reuben Heaton boss Andrew Race said: “They can find out ahead of time what new products will be coming out, when they will be launched and which events the Reuben Heaton Road Show will be attending.
“In a bid to raise awareness of the current range of products and services provided by Reuben Heaton, further exciting developments including competitions and special product offers are also planned throughout 2013, so please tune in to avoid missing out.”
Reuben Heaton has also launched a Facebook presence with its own page where gossip, product reports, events and reviews will be posted regularly, ensuring a constant stream of information for dealers and consumers alike.
The firm will also be encouraging fans to share their angling exploits and experiences, showing what they are weighing on its scales and catching on its tackle.
There’ll also be links to many people, places and events that share the same ethos as Reuben Heaton.
Andrew added: “I am not sure what the founder, Reuben George Heaton, would have made of this back in 1857 when he started making reels in a small workshop in Birmingham!”
Weighing scales and tackle firm Reuben Heaton is embracing the internet and social media to raise awareness of its products.
The firm is ensuring that interested parties can get up-to-date news information about the company, its products, the latest press releases and event information as it happens from its RSS feed via this link:
The feed will keep both dealers and consumers abreast of all things Reuben Heaton and allow them to see new products as they emerge throughout 2013.
Reuben Heaton boss Andrew Race said: “They can find out ahead of time what new products will be coming out, when they will be launched and which events the Reuben Heaton Road Show will be attending.
“In a bid to raise awareness of the current range of products and services provided by Reuben Heaton, further exciting developments including competitions and special product offers are also planned throughout 2013, so please tune in to avoid missing out.”
Reuben Heaton has also launched a Facebook presence with its own page where gossip, product reports, events and reviews will be posted regularly, ensuring a constant stream of information for dealers and consumers alike.
The firm will also be encouraging fans to share their angling exploits and experiences, showing what they are weighing on its scales and catching on its tackle.
There’ll also be links to many people, places and events that share the same ethos as Reuben Heaton.
Andrew added: “I am not sure what the founder, Reuben George Heaton, would have made of this back in 1857 when he started making reels in a small workshop in Birmingham!”
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