Check Out Our Videos!

Masses of free content for Match and Pole Fishing readers.
The men behind Match and Pole Fishing magazines are creating a host of videos, all of which are free to view on each magazines YouTube channel. Featuring star anglers, including Des Shipp, Steve Ringer, Alan Scotthorne and Rob Wootton, the team are creating more videos than ever before.

Match Fishing’s Joe Carass explained: “For a long time, I have wanted to get more video footage on the bank – as there is no better way of demonstrating the all important details that give top anglers an edge on the bankside.

Fortunately, the equipment is now available to allow us to do so, meaning we can take a video camera with us on virtually every feature that we shoot. This, twinned with the fact that we have our own YouTube channel where videos can be quickly and easily uploaded, has meant that we can produced  more tip packed videos than ever before!

Two of my favourites from this month are with Steve Ringer and Des Shipp, and though they are demonstrating two very different techniques, they both come across really well on film – and more importantly, the extra video content helps reinforce what they are saying in the written feature! With more information than ever in the magazine, and our great selection of videos, you can’t help but become a better angler by following our advice!”

Click here to check out the videos!