Thinking Beyond The Normal
It’s not every day us mere mortals of anglers get asked to trial a new product, that’s normally left to those at consultant level within the big companies but at the same time not all companies that are influential in the angling world are the size of the major tackle brands; so when I was asked by Andy Wootton and Nigel Malko both of Commercial Indications several months ago about trialling some new float tips I couldn’t refuse. My first thoughts leaned towards a new shape or was it the nitinol (Bendy Wire) that is now all the rage? No, it was quite simply a new colour tip or several new colours to be exact with which one is still undergoing testing as we speak, I asked Andy why they were looking at producing new colours and how they would improve my own as well as anyone else fishing from what we already know and have trust in? His simple reply to me was do I struggle to see floats or certain colours at distance? Being partially colour blind I would have to say yes, I do especially in certain lights, I was intrigued as he wasn’t giving too much away in terms of benefits in fact pretty much none, I had to just try them in differing situations, and with the winter period approaching it was a good time to try as the weather changes constantly and that hard to see glassy surface is quite commonplace on most days. He sent me a set of each colours and I wasn’t to get in touch with him until I had spent enough time trialling them; the 2 colours that were sent were neon pink and a bright blue.
On first look at each colour I could start to see they could have a potential to make the difference but only time on the bank will tell, it was quite difficult though as he asked if I could try and keep them under wraps from prying eyes especially as nothings secret these days with social media. So let’s look at each float and see what it brings to the table, the pink float I was a little apprehensive as to whether it would make much of a difference against a red or even an orange tip as it’s not too dissimilar in colour, at close range most people will be able to see all 3 colours just as well as each other but the longer you go it just seems to stay as bright as it does at 2m whereas the red and orange definitely seem to lose their contrast. But it’s when the sun is shining it really comes into its own over the other 2 colours, it looks more like a starlight than an actual tip it is so bright with the sun passing through it. Now the Blue is very interesting and I know since they posted a picture on their social media page they have been inundated with questions and requests to buy from anglers all over and it caught my eye straight away but again only by thoroughly testing it will it can we judge how well it will fair or fail in today’s angling. My first time out with the float the light was poor in fact very dull so no piercing light to obscure it, I was surprised how well it showed especially when fishing long its quite weird to be looking at a blue float and even against a background with an array of colours from overhanging bushes, reeds and mud it was very clear to see as there is very little in the way of natural foliage for the float to blend into. I was impressed how both floats did on each occasion in fact I was very impressed how much of a difference they made.
The next session was going to be the test for both these floats the weather was one of those days that was bright with the sun trying its dammed hardest to breakthrough, it was fairly breezy so a nice cross ripple on the water good fishing conditions for catching but an absolute bloody nightmare to see your float at times. I chose to fish at 13m a distance I felt comfortable at and where I felt I could make the most of being able to see any movement on the float as the style required me to dot the float down to a dimple; this normally doesn’t bother me but sometimes leads to having two identical rigs set up normally with a red and black tip so I can keep switching. Again, the pink was up first, and although it is such a bright float I did lose it at times in the glare of the surface so I had to do the head dance a few times; now don’t get me wrong it was still so much easier to see than the red which is generally used in most situations, the black comes into its own against very light backgrounds. Up next was the Blue, what came next for me was something that I believe is going to change many anglers out there it was unbelievable how it showed up in all lights, at times it was difficult to see which I would expect for any colour but not once did I lose it in the glare, the light passes through very well and I for several sessions I was stunned at how good this colour is.
Will this be beneficial to all anglers? Maybe not as many can see just fine but there are plenty of anglers who I speak to on a regular basis who struggle to see either certain colours or at distance as their eyes are not what they once were. There are days and situations where dotting the float to a dimple is needed and one of these colours or the one being tested could now offer anglers who wouldn’t normally adopt this as they simply can’t see it a chance to dot it down further ultimately increasing their catch rates. Don’t discount the traditional colours as each all have a place and there will be many who will simply refuse to even consider one of these colours but it really is hard to get past how the pink is so much brighter and the blue for me was the outstanding performer in changeable conditions; they are here to stay they have a company who can produce these on mass and I’m glad I’ve had the privilege to be a part of testing of these tips which have just hit the market.
They are not available for individual sale which will be a disappointment to many of the float builders out there but floats are available right now from the commercial indication range, currently floats are available fitted with both pink and blue in hollow sizes 1.5mm, 1.7mm & 2mm; there are plans for the future heading towards winter for smaller sizes such as 1mm & 1.2mm.
For ordering or any further information contact Andy Wootton or Nigel Malko
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