Whose The Fool?

Truth Is Out Over April Fool Arapaima!
Match Fishing Magazine can reveal that the story ran on Monday regarding Des Shipp banking a massive arapaima was, in fact, an April Fool hoax.

The piece was the brainchild of DHP’s Digital News Editor, Tom Scholey, who penned the story with the help of Pole Fishing’s Editorial Assistant, Matt Godfrey, and DHP Chairman, David Hall.

Tom commented: “We love a giggle here at DHP, and after talking the idea through with Des Shipp and Will Raison, we decided to run with the story. To be honest, I think a lot of people cottoned on to the fact that it was a hoax straightaway – but we did manage to catch a few people out! I think most of the people who cottoned on found it funny, which is the main thing.”

England ace, Des Shipp, who was the subject of the story, said his phone was red hot after the story went live: “I had a few people on the phone asking me what had been going off, and it certainly raised a few laughs, which can only be a good thing.

"In truth, my biggest fish is a 21lb carp from Viaduct Fishery, a far cry from an arapaima or anything like that!

"I have taken some weird catches in my time, though, including sunfish, asp and a horseshoe, which I played very tentatively, believing it to be a big chub! As it turned out, it was hooked through one of the square holes, where the blacksmiths put the nails, and was spinning as I reeled it in, giving the impression that it was shaking its head!

"I also once caught a frisbee in a match, which the kids still play with now!”

To view the original story, click here!