On The Bread Line
Hello and welcome to the first of my blogs! For those who don’t know who I am, I work as Editorial Assistant on Pole Fishing, and am probably as one of the most fishing obsessed men on the planet!
When I’m not out shooting features or in the office writing them up, I like to get out on the bank myself competing in matches the length and breadth of the country. I also have a reputation for telling really bad jokes, so you will have to forgive me if the odd corny line finds its way into my weekly rants. I would love to know your thoughts on what I write, so feel free to get in touch by email to: tom.scholey@dhpub.co.uk
Up until this weekend, I had never fished bread punch before. Being only my second season fishing natural venues through the winter, it is something I had always avoided, preferring to pin my faith on more trusted alternatives, such as bloodworm and joker or casters. The last time I fished on the Fossdyke almost all the framing weights were taken on the method however, so I was keen to crack it before returning!
This Saturday saw a rare gap in my schedule, so I decided to treat my girlfriend, Abi – by taking her bread fishing! I was lucky enough to receive a masterclass when I shot the ‘White Magic’ feature that we ran in our February issue. Denis White is in my view the best bread angler ever to have graced the bankside, so I figured if I copied what he did I wouldn’t go far wrong!
Three loaves were duly liquidised, and after a slapped wrist from mum for getting breadcrumbs all over the kitchen side, we were on our way! We fished on the Dunstons section of the Stainforth & Keadby Canal in Thorne, and to be honest, things couldn’t have gone better! I had a roach a chuck, with a few hybrids also putting in an appearance. It left me questioning why I waste money on bloodworm every week! I let Abi have a go and even she managed to snare a few, though I didn’t let her stay on the box for too long as she was in danger of beating me! This left me mega confident for the next day, which saw the second round of the RILMAC league on the Fossdyke Canal near Lincoln. I have been guesting for Fox Match Trentmen in this, and after a section win for me and a win for the team in the first round, we were looking to pick up from where we left off!
I drew peg 18 on the Roadside, a very hard section, but one that generally seems to prove fair. I went for my usual approach of feeding bloodworm and joker at 12 metres and lobworms and casters on the far side of the canal and down the edge. This left me the short pole line free to try out my not- so- secret white weapon! I had probably the best start to a match that I have ever experienced. After feeding all my lines I shipped across on my lobworm rig, and had a six ounce perch on my first drop in. No more followed, so I switched to my bread line and on the first run through the float slid away, and a six ounce roach soon graced the landing net. Sadly it went downhill from there, and the tiny fish that you usually catch on this section rocked up in numbers on every line. With a good start under my belt, I got my head down and caught somewhere between 120 and 150 through the remainder of the match, for a final weight of 2-11-0.
Fortunately, this proved enough to win the section and helped us to a team third on the day. I was also pleased to learn I am currently top in the individual stakes, though the Fossdyke king Roger Wakenshaw is on the same points as me, and only 1lb or so behind on weight, so my lead may be short lived! Next weekend sees me venture back to the Fossdyke on Saturday for the SPRO individual league, and onto the Stainforth & Keadby Canal on Sunday for the second round of the Thorne Pairs. I will let you know how I get on!
Tom Scholey
When I’m not out shooting features or in the office writing them up, I like to get out on the bank myself competing in matches the length and breadth of the country. I also have a reputation for telling really bad jokes, so you will have to forgive me if the odd corny line finds its way into my weekly rants. I would love to know your thoughts on what I write, so feel free to get in touch by email to: tom.scholey@dhpub.co.uk
Up until this weekend, I had never fished bread punch before. Being only my second season fishing natural venues through the winter, it is something I had always avoided, preferring to pin my faith on more trusted alternatives, such as bloodworm and joker or casters. The last time I fished on the Fossdyke almost all the framing weights were taken on the method however, so I was keen to crack it before returning!
This Saturday saw a rare gap in my schedule, so I decided to treat my girlfriend, Abi – by taking her bread fishing! I was lucky enough to receive a masterclass when I shot the ‘White Magic’ feature that we ran in our February issue. Denis White is in my view the best bread angler ever to have graced the bankside, so I figured if I copied what he did I wouldn’t go far wrong!
Three loaves were duly liquidised, and after a slapped wrist from mum for getting breadcrumbs all over the kitchen side, we were on our way! We fished on the Dunstons section of the Stainforth & Keadby Canal in Thorne, and to be honest, things couldn’t have gone better! I had a roach a chuck, with a few hybrids also putting in an appearance. It left me questioning why I waste money on bloodworm every week! I let Abi have a go and even she managed to snare a few, though I didn’t let her stay on the box for too long as she was in danger of beating me! This left me mega confident for the next day, which saw the second round of the RILMAC league on the Fossdyke Canal near Lincoln. I have been guesting for Fox Match Trentmen in this, and after a section win for me and a win for the team in the first round, we were looking to pick up from where we left off!
I drew peg 18 on the Roadside, a very hard section, but one that generally seems to prove fair. I went for my usual approach of feeding bloodworm and joker at 12 metres and lobworms and casters on the far side of the canal and down the edge. This left me the short pole line free to try out my not- so- secret white weapon! I had probably the best start to a match that I have ever experienced. After feeding all my lines I shipped across on my lobworm rig, and had a six ounce perch on my first drop in. No more followed, so I switched to my bread line and on the first run through the float slid away, and a six ounce roach soon graced the landing net. Sadly it went downhill from there, and the tiny fish that you usually catch on this section rocked up in numbers on every line. With a good start under my belt, I got my head down and caught somewhere between 120 and 150 through the remainder of the match, for a final weight of 2-11-0.
Fortunately, this proved enough to win the section and helped us to a team third on the day. I was also pleased to learn I am currently top in the individual stakes, though the Fossdyke king Roger Wakenshaw is on the same points as me, and only 1lb or so behind on weight, so my lead may be short lived! Next weekend sees me venture back to the Fossdyke on Saturday for the SPRO individual league, and onto the Stainforth & Keadby Canal on Sunday for the second round of the Thorne Pairs. I will let you know how I get on!
Tom Scholey
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