Pellet Power

Scotthorne's deadly autumn edge revealed.
"The anglers who score best as the water cools are the ones who scale down their approach to keep bites coming." These were the words of England ace Alan Scotthorne, before revealing what he considers to be his biggest autumn commercial fishing edge.

"One of my favourite autumn baits is pellet. At this time of year it is vitally important to reduce the size of bait that you feed, which is where smaller feed sizes like 4mm pellets and as the weather gets even colder, micro pellets come in to play.

Of course, deciding exactly what size to feed depends on conditions and target species on the day. There are however, a couple of good tips that can be used to enhance your pellets, and give them some all important cold water attraction.

As water temperature drops, water clarity increases, and coloured baits become more and more effective. Try dying your feed pellets red or yellow to make them stand out on the bottom, it can give you a real edge on some days.

An even more deadly tip is to add a couple of handfuls of dampened fishmeal groundbait to your mix. Not only does this increase the potency and attraction of the bait, but the fact that there are tiny feed particles hanging in the water holds fish in your peg for longer too."