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Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 30, 2012  |  0 comments
Charity Moustache growers celebrate the end of November! Just hours remain before the gallant Movember crew are allowed to wield there razors, and shave off the product of the last months growing. Between the team at parent company DHP, they have managed to raise a whopping £868 towards mens health causes – largely thanks to the generous support of friends, colleagues and families. The global total for Movember stands at over £64,000,000 – money which will make a real difference to the lives of cancer sufferers everywhere. What sets Movember apart from many other charity campaigns though is the ‘fun’ element- and staff at DHP have certainly had their fair share of that! Angling News Week Editor, Tom Scholey explained: “The banter always flows freely at DHP Towers, and with almost half of the male staff sporting some sort of facial hair, we have had lots more ammunition than normal! We have even had to postpone our staff photo, because our HR manager feared we would look like a bunch of Mexican bandits from an old western if it went ahead this week! Mo wearers have been compared to everything from Hulk Hogan to Super Mario, Freddie Mercury, and Carlos Valderrama.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 30, 2012  |  0 comments
Angling survey proves importance of junior initiatives. More than 87% of today's anglers started fishing between the ages of four and 16. This is the interesting find of the latest National Angling survey, compiled by Dr Adam Brown on behalf of the Angling Trust and the Environment Agency. More than 29,000 anglers took part in the questionnaire, which was promoted online earlier on in the year.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 29, 2012  |  0 comments
Daiwa ace wins two matches on the bounce. When it comes to consistency, there can’t be many anglers who are more in form than Daiwa and Guru ace Steve Ringer. After winning the individual aggrergate in last years popular teams of four league at Tunnel Barn Farm, Steve has enjoyed a steaming start to this years winter campaign – backed up by back to back wins at the venue this weekend. He explained: “I have really enjoyed my last couple of winters at Tunnel – as in order to do any good, you have had to keep going and ensure that you are really in touch with what is happening.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 28, 2012  |  0 comments
December's Match Fishing On Sale Now! This months edition of Match Fishing magazine is about to hit the shelves – and is packed with match winning tips! From Simon Willsmore’s must read guide to bagging up with pongo, to Steve Ringer’s advice on catching through the cold, Jonathan Watt on how liquids will catch you more carp, and Alan Scotthorne’s bloodworm fishing masterclass. On top of this, we have the Drennan Knockout Cup Final, which sees Rob Wootton go head to head with Simon Willsmore in a battle to be crowned champion! Will Raison gets the Stan Piecha treatment, and Editor Alex Bones embarks on arguably his most controversial editorial yet! What are you waiting for? Pick up your copy today! Alternatively, click here to check out our subscriptions page! . . .
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 27, 2012  |  0 comments
Dorking top first Midlands Sensas LeagueDespite terrible weather, ranging from a hard frost in the morning to driving rain, the venue fished extremely well for the first round of this league, with double figures needed to win every seven peg section!Guesting for Kamasan Starlets Nigel Bull led the way with from peg 112 at Barston with 33lb 6oz of skimmers and F1s, all taken on pole and bloodworm at 13m over groundbait. It was a Kamasan Starlets double top as Garbolino's Darren Cox was close behind with 16 F1s and skimmers for 31lb 7oz again on pole and bloodworm at 13m from peg 122 at Barston. Des Shipp produced the best weight from Packington off peg 27 Molands with 31lb 2 oz. Callum Dicks filled 4th with 30lb 6oz of skimmers from peg 12 from Barston.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 26, 2012  |  0 comments
Last minute venue change sees Pole Fishing ace top Sensas match. With torrential rain sweeping the country, the second round of the North East Sensas Challenge was moved to Doncaster’s Hayfield Lakes. It was due to take place on Lincolnshire’s Fossdyke Navigation, but with the canal running halfway up the bank, the venue was deemed unsafe. The move proved lucrative for Pole Fishing’s Matt Godfrey- who managed to win the match on his first winter visit to the venue! He explained: “I didn’t really know what to expect here at Hayfield, as the last time I fished the venue I was about 12, and it was in the middle of summer in a schools national! Fortunately, several of my team members had fished the lake before, and told me that I could expect to catch roach short and better skimmers and carassio on the long pole.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 22, 2012  |  0 comments
Reynolds wins three consecutive river matches. Shakespeare Superteam star Richie Reynolds is enjoying a blistering run of form at the minute- winning his last three matches on three different stretches of river. His first notable win came in the Barford Winter League, on the Hop Yards stretch of the Warwickshire Avon. A double barrelled attack of caster at five metres, and hemp at seven metres saw him net quality roach for a convincing win of the lower half of the river.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 21, 2012  |  0 comments
River Glen and Town Welland to host new event. River fishing legend Wayne Swinscoe has announced a new pairs league on the prolific Lincolnshire fens. The new series is born out of frustration by the ex Essex County Skipper, who explained: “For the first time in a number of years, me and a few of my friends have really been struggling to find good sized matches. It seems that there are plenty of small commercial events taking place, but not a lot of any size for people like me, who prefer to fish matches on natural venues.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 20, 2012  |  0 comments
Generous incentives for anglers at Midlands water. Tunnel Barn Farm has announced two new incentives aimed at getting more anglers on the bank. The first is aimed at club anglers, and will see clubs that book four matches receive a fifth one for free. Match organiser, Sarah Underwood explained: “Because I handle the bookings for clubs here at Tunnel Barn, I know that many of them have had a tough year, with the recession seeing numbers dwindle for a lot of clubs.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 19, 2012  |  0 comments
Big redfins stocked in Midlands commercial. Meriden’s Packington Somers Fishery has been stocked with over 1,000lb of big roach. The move comes after one of the trout lakes at the complex needed to be drained for repair work - meaning that its stocks of silverfish needed to be relocated. Owner, John Birchall chose Molands and Willow pool at the complex to house the fish, and already catches have risen dramatically.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 16, 2012  |  0 comments
2013 may see return to historic venue. Speculation has been mounting that this years Angling Trust Winter League Final could return to Nottingham’s River Trent Embankment. Although venues for the final and semi final have not been confirmed as yet, it is almost certain that the final- which is to be held will once again be held on a natural venue. Winter League Co-Ordinator, Bob Dyer explained: “Although I am still unable to confirm anything for certain, from the meeting we had earlier in the year it was clear that teams wanted to see the final return to a natural venue.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 12, 2012  |  0 comments
Lee Kerry Wins Halkon Hunt anniversary match. Preston Innovations ace Lee Kerry has won the £1,000 Halkon Hunt anniversary match at Doncaster’s Hayfield Lakes, with a 36lb 15oz net of silver fish. With his Barnsley team mates Andy Geldart and James Dent taking second and third place, all three of the framing places were filled by anglers under the age of thirty!Lee commented: “I am delighted to have won this match, as targeting silvers on bloodworm is a method that I love- and Sandra and Alan are good friends, so picking up first prize has a lot of sentimental value. I had a good draw on Adams Lake, and enjoyed a great days fishing catching quality roach, skimmers and carrassio on bunches of bloodworm long, along with plenty of quality fish on casters short.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 09, 2012  |  0 comments
Big response expected to new Match Fishing bookazine. A new book entitled ‘Match Fishing With The Experts” is set to hit the shelves later this month. Put together in association with Match and Pole Fishing magazine, the title has been edited by Angling News Week Editor, Tom Scholey and Match Fishing Editorial Assistant, Joe Carass. Tom Scholey explained “If you want to learn from the best, and win more fishing matches, then you will love ‘Match Fishing With The Experts!’ Featuring top name anglers, including Ringer, Shipp, Scotthorne, Raison, Ashby, Kerry and Cox- this tip packed bookazine can’t fail to help you to improve your fishing.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 08, 2012  |  0 comments
Vetting anglers leads to massive turnouts at northern water. In an era where match attendances at many of our commercial fisheries are dwindling, The Oaks Lakes at Sessay seems to be booking the trend- thanks to a new series of matches aimed at club anglers. In addition to the usual open matches, the venue is now hosting a separate series of matches aimed purely at club anglers. With turnouts of between 70 and 80, the series is proving extremely popular.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 07, 2012  |  0 comments
Dates Confirmed For Sensas Pairs League. Dates have been announced for the Sensas Pairs League. Starting just after Christmas, the popular series attracted 56 anglers last year. This year, numbers are expected to increase still further, with dates being arranged so as not to clash with the Thorne Pairs Competition.
