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Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 28, 2011  |  0 comments
The latest Army Angling Federation report. . . River Nene, Benwick | 23/11/11Number of pegs: 23The 23 anglers who attended the third AAF group 3 match were met with a cold, clear River Nene at Benwick.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 07, 2014  |  0 comments
Hempseed does the business for river ace. Avon master Steve Ashmore did the business from an unfancied peg in this 80-peg Evesham Championship qualifier, winning the day with an 8-2-0 net. Drawn on Peg 76 in the field below the Ferry meadow, Steve caught a good net of small roach fishing hempseed between 13 metres and 14. 5 metres out on the pole.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 22, 2011  |  0 comments
The Cadets category of the Angling Trust Cadets, Juniors & Intermediates National Championship on Saturday 2nd July 2011 saw four times previous winners, Smartbait Leeds coming back from last year’s second place position to take the Championship title back for 2011 with 13 points (47. 87 kg). Second place was Worksop & District AA with 11 points (49. 13 kg).
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 21, 2011  |  0 comments
A round-up of the latest AT Upper Thames winter league practice match. . . Kennet and Avon Canal at Great Bedwyn20/11/11 | Number of pegs: 45Due to a broken lock at Crofton there have been no boat movements on the Kennet and Avon Canal around Great Bedwyn and consequently the Canal was still and clear, which put the normally prolific roach off the feed.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 01, 2011  |  0 comments
A round up of the AT Upper Thames Winter League Round 3. . . Kennet & Avon canal Brimslade, Farmers and Wolfhall | 30th october, 2011Number of anglers: 70 Due to the Bristol Avon fishing patchy on the practice match the previous week, round 3 was switched to the ever consistent Kennet and Avon canal near Marlborough.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 14, 2011  |  0 comments
Results for round 4 of the AT Upper Thames winter leagueDate: 13th November, 2011Bristol Avon at Chippenham and MelkshamNumber of pegs: 70Match Report:The River was still very clear for the 4th round, but it still fished fairly well. Top Individual on the day was Browning Andover's James Hillier who drew on the Conigere Section at Melksham, James fished the rod and line and caught 7 Chub plus smaller fish for 18lb 6oz. In second place was in-form Garbolino Blackmore Vale Rod (Mad) Gary Etheridge who was pegged opposite the Olympiad at Chippenham, Gary caught 12lb 9oz of roach and perch mostly on the pole and very light tackle!Another in-form Angler filled the 3rd slot, Thames Champion, Andy Pollard of Daiwa Gordon League drew the down stream end peg at Portman road in Melksham and had a nice net of roach and perch for 10lb 11ozAnd in the final Frame place Jamie Cox of Garbolino Blackmore vale wagglered his way to 9lb 5oz at Riverside road in Chippenham, which consisted of 5 chub plus roach and dace. On the team front Garbolino Blackmore vale and Colmic Talisman both had 49 points, but Garbolino stole the win with a greater weight.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Dec 12, 2011  |  0 comments
Report from the Bag'em Matchbaits Individual Silver League Dog Lane Fishery | Date of match: 11/12/11Number of anglers: 31Overall1st Keith 'Crusty' Taylor (Coventry Bagem) Peg19 4lb 8oz Roach/Bread Punch. 2nd Roger Atkins (Dog Lane Fishery) Peg28 4lb 3½oz Orfe/Roach/Worm Caster3rd Simon Potter (Daventry AC) Peg 20 4lb 1oz Roach/Bread PunchSection A 1st Colin Youds (Coventry) Peg32 1lb 11¾oz Perch/Worm2nd Pete Palmer (Dog Lane Fishery) Peg 26 12oz Roach/PinkieSection B1st Justin Ashby (Banbury Gunsmiths) Peg17 3lb 4oz Perch/Worm2nd Keith Finch (Rugby Tackle) Peg5 3lb Roach/Pinkie Best PerchJustin Ashby Peg 17 Perch of 3lb 4ozThe week had seen some very cold snaps down to -5 oC and ice was still on the lake as 31 anglers sat down to Round 2 of the Bagem Matchbaits Silver Individual League at Dog Lane on Sunday. Many found the going tough as the water had dropped colour and the bottom could be seen out to 6m, so fishing a short line was not an option. Most opted to sit it out for a big billy Perch or an Orfe, a few fished for anything that would bite and those that did managed to winkle out a few Roach and Gudgeon.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Feb 27, 2012  |  0 comments
Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League for Individuals Round 4 result. . . Dog Lane Fishery | Number of anglers: 3018/02/121st Dick Ashby (Banbury Gunsmiths) Peg6 6lb 15oz Perch (worm)2nd Carl Hulley (Daventry AC) Peg9 4lb 1oz 4dr Orfe/Roach (Bread)3rd Gil Corns (Daventry AC) Peg3 3lb 14oz 4dr Roach (Punch)Sections:A1 R Wills (Daventry AC) Peg16 3lb 2oz 8dr Roach (pinkie)A2 R Atkins (Dog Lane) Peg8 2lb Roach (pinkie)B1 D West (Daventry AC) Peg32 3lb 12oz 8dr Perch (worm)B2 L Taylor (Bagem) Peg36 3lb 8oz 4dr Roach (punch)Best Perch: Dick Ashby Peg6 2lb 4oz 12dr.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jan 09, 2012  |  0 comments
Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League for Pairs result from Dog Lane Fishery ROUND 2 Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League for PairsSunday 8th January 201236 PEGS1st Roger Atkins (Dog Lane Fishery) & Clive Griffinl (Dog Lane Fishery) 4pts2nd Gil Corns (Daventry AC) & Car Hulley (Daventry AC) 9pts3rd Graham Brownlie (Coventry) & Dave Pritchard (Coventry) 11ptsSectionsA1 Roger Atkins Peg 15 4lb 5¾oz RoachA2 Rob Cash Peg 7 4lb 2oz PerchB1 Gil Corns Peg 34 9lb 8oz Orfe & RoachB2 Dave Pritchard Peg 33 4lb 1½oz Orfe &RoachThe high pressures and low temperatures this week put the fish at Dog Lane into a fickle mood and it made blankers of some of the 36 anglers fishing round two of the Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League for pairs at Dog Lane Fishery this week. The winning pair this week were Roger Atkins peg15 4lb 5¾oz (1 point) and Clive Griffin peg28 3lb 2½oz (3 points). Roger's bag consisted of roach and so did Clive's. The pair that took second place were Gil Corns peg 34 9lb 8oz (1 point) and Carl Hulley peg4 1lb 1¼oz (8 points).
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 22, 2011  |  0 comments
Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League for Pairs results. . . Dog Lane Fishery | 20/11/11 Number of pegs/anglers: 36 anglersTop three pairs 1st Carl Baker (Stourbridge) & Kevin Folwell (Rugby) 5pts 2nd Daryl Parry (Rugby Tackle) & Paul Malin (Rugby Tackle) 7pts 3rd Keith Finch (Rugby Tackle) & Paul Knapman (Daventry AC) 10pts Sections A1 Paul Malin Peg 14 13lb 8oz Orfe A2 Carl Baker Peg 5 12lb 20z 12dr Perch & Roach B1 Gil Corns Peg 31 12lb 4dr Roach B2 Keith Finch Peg 30 7lb 3oz 12dr Roach The day was overcast but with an air of great expectations as 36 anglers settled down to round one of the Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League for pairs at Dog Lane Fishery this week.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Nov 16, 2011  |  0 comments
Latest results from the Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League Individual. . . Dog Lane Fishery (Napton Warwickshire)06/11/11 | Number of pegs: 34The day was cool and dry with a splash of sun at Dog Lane this week as 34 anglers kicked off the latest Bag'em Matchbaits sponsored Sunday Silver league for individuals.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jan 24, 2012  |  0 comments
Bag'em Matchbaits Silver League for Individuals Round 3 result. Dog Lane Fishery | Number of anglers: 30Sunday 22nd JanuaryTop Three:1st Dave West (Daventry AC) Peg8 11lb 2oz 12dr Orfe and Perch (worm)2nd Rob Cash (Rugby Tackle) Peg36 8lb 5oz Perch and Orfe (worm)3rd Keith Taylor (Greys) Peg27 7lb 12oz 12 dr Roach (punch)Sections:A1 G Corns (Daventry AC) Peg4 4lb 12oz Roach and Orfe (punch)A2 R Wills (Daventry AC) Peg2 2lb 9oz 12dr Roach (pinkie)B1 G Cheney (Daventry AC) Peg35 5lb 8oz Perch (worm/pinkie)B2 R Atkins (Dog Lane Fishery) Peg21 2lb 14oz 8dr Roach (punch)Best Perch: Graham Cheney Peg35 2lb 6oz 8dr. Strong South Westerly winds greeted the anglers at Dog Lane this week and two poles suffered the swirling gusts as everyone struggled to keep things still long enough for the fish to bite. Dave 'Westy' West (Daventry AC) drew peg 8, one of the few sheltered pegs, and presenting worm at 13m caught some 2lb perch and an Orfe of 4lb 12oz.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Sep 25, 2013  |  0 comments
Drennan backed boys clinch victory. Drennan Banbury Gunsmiths have won the river Thames Championship. The match was fished by 18 teams of six on the Thames from Lechlade through to Tadpole bridge near Bampton. With the recent rain the river had some much needed flow and colour, and the fish wanted to feed – but the very strong winds, mainly downstream, made presentation very difficult and this kept the weights down.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 19, 2012  |  0 comments
Barby Banks Evening Match, near Rugby, Warwickshire. Wednesday 18th July. Despite the big rumbles of thunder, the anglers fishing the latest midweek evening contest at Barby Banks finally had a rain-free contest! With sunny, humid conditions the smaller carp went on a feeding frenzy with some impressive weights in less than three hours fishing. Leading the frame was Pole Fishing magazine's Jon Arthur who had more than 40 small carp plus a couple of bonuses to 8lb in his 111lb 13oz bag.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jun 15, 2012  |  0 comments
Barby Banks Evening Series, Rugby, Warwickshire – Wednesday 13th June. The carp were in an iffy mood on the second Barby Banks evening contest but, just like last week, two ton-up catches headed the frame. First place this time went to Mark Griffiths (Guru) with a fantastic 126lb 8oz catch in just three hours. Mark caught most of his fish late on with maggot and worm over groundbait and included carp to 8lb plus a bonus 2lb barbel.
